Usually there is a kind of lul in shows that everyone enters after the Land O Lakes show until the Fargo show in May. But not this year!!!

My niece Hannah, who is 7 years old, came to watch at the Land O Lakes show. She ended up loving it and went home to practice showing her bunny, BunBun. She put the harness on him and would walk him around on the floor mat in the basement play room. She then asked if she could show a dog someday!! So our mission became teaching her to show Eve. Nancy and I talked and we decided to enter the Cyclone dog show in Iowa so that Hannah could have her opportunity to show. Hannah came over to my house on the two weekends leading up to the show to practice with Eve in my living room. At first Eve was a complete momma’s girl and wanted to follow me instead of Hannah, but soon she was getting the hang of it. Having Hannah do some focus exercises with Eve for treats helped, too!

We ended up getting the 8am show time on Saturday, which is the opposite of what we had hoped for. Hannah had her school musical that Friday night so they ended up having to get up at 3am and drive down that morning to meet us at the fairgrounds. She walked Eve in, got Eve ready and off they went into the ring. We had hoped the order for Open class would be Faith and then Eve, so I would be in front, but it was Eve and then Faith. That didn’t stop Hannah nor Eve, they made their circle around the ring and up on the ramp they went. Hannah had a permanent smile on her face the whole time! Once we were done in the ring Hannah wanted to hit the vendors for some shopping. She had her eyes on a shorter lead and a bait pouch for her outfit the next day.
After the show we went out to breakfast with my cousin, Sam, who goes to Drake University in Des Moines and then headed back to the hotel to relax. Hannah had her heart set on swimming in the pool and Alex wanted to go to a state park to get some picture. So Hannah swam and then Alex, Sarah and Hannah took off for the state park with Henry, Eve and Faith. I stayed back with Nancy to hang out and chat.
Sunday we showed at 12:25, so we had time to pack up and get ready in the morning without rushing. Once again it was the same ordering, so Hannah was first in for Open class with Eve. Eve ended up taking the class over Faith, so she got to go back in for Winners. Eve ended up taking Winners so they then were in the breed ring where she got BOS for 1 point. Needless to say Sarah and I were both very proud of our kids! We waited around for a professional picture and then everyone decided to make the trek back home after a great weekend!

I want to thank both judges for making the experience for my niece wonderful and helping her along in the ring when she needed it (Eve didn’t like turning to get off the ramp). I also want to thank Nancy for entering the show with us so that we weren’t alone! It proved to be a wonderful weekend as Diego took BOW Saturday to finish his championship, Bella took WB/BOS Saturday for her first point and then Eve took WB/BOS Sunday for a point.